Plants to Attract Wildlife


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Plants to Attract Wildlife

Listed below are all the plants we supply that are beneficial to wildlife.  If you cannot find some of them in the catalogue/shop then they have been sold out!

Butterflies and their Caterpillars - food

Apple Mint, Bugle, Butterfly Bush, Catmint, Cowslip, Globe Thistle, Hemp Agrimony, Hollyhock, Hyssop, Lady's Bedstraw, Lady's Smock, Lavender, Lesser Knapweed, Marjoram, Marshmallow, Meadow Cranesbill, Michaelmas Daisy, Pleurisy Root, Purple Loosestrife, Purple-top Vervain, Red Clover,  Red Valerian, Rock Rose, Rosemary, Self-heal, Soapwort, Sweet Rocket,  Sweet Violet, Sweet William, Vervain, Viper's Bugloss, Weld, Wild Basil, Wild Mignonette, Yarrow

Moths and their Caterpillars - may also attract bats, who eat the moths

Cowslip, Evening Primrose,  Golden Rod,  Hemp Agrimony, Herb Bennet, Herb Robert, Lady's Bedstraw, Lemon Balm, Lesser Knapweed, Maiden Pink, Marjoram, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Mullein,  Purple Loosestrife, Red Clover, Red Valerian, Rock Rose, Sea Kale, Sweet Rocket, Toadflax, Viper's Bugloss, Wild Basil, Wild Clematis, Woodruff, Yarrow

Bees and Bumblebees - pollinators

Apple Mint, Bergamot, Black Horehound, Bugle, Catmint,  Globe Thistle, Greater Stitchwort, Harebell, Hemp Agrimony, Herb Robert, Hollyhock, Hounds Tongue, Hyssop, Lovage, Marjoram, Meadow Cranesbill, Meadowsweet, Mountain Mint, Mullein, Musk Mallow,  Penstemon, Purple Loosestrife,  Red Clover, Red Valerian, Rosemary, Self-heal,  Spiked Speedwell, Sweet William, Teasel, Toadflax, Viper's Bugloss, Wild Basil, Wild Cleamtis, Wild Mignonette

Birds - eat some pests, eat seeds, some plants provide nesting sites/material.  Robins, dunnocks, wrens and tits eat many aphhids.

Agrimony, Aubretia, Barberry, Broom, Globe Thistle, Golden Rod, Honesty, Honeysuckle, Lesser Knapweed, Meadowsweet, Michaelmas Daisy, Perennial Flax, Purple Coneflower, Red Clover, Small Scabious, Sweet Violet, Teasel, Wild Strawberry

Hoverflies - eat garden pests.  There are over 250 species of hoverfly in Britain, some look like bees or wasps to provide protection against being eaten by birds.  Hoverflies prefer flowers with exposed pollen and nectar, such as umbellifers (members of the Carrot family, such as Fennel).  Their larvae are useful too, eating multitudes of aphids.

Angelica, Bugle, Dill, Fennel, Germander Speedwell, Greater Stitchwort, Herb Robert, Lovage, Meadowsweet, Meadow Clary, Nasturtium, Penstemon, Viper's Bugloss 

