The British Fuchsia Society welcomes visitors and new members to our monthly meetings. |
The Heather Society - Founded in 1963, to promote and encourage interest in heathers, it now has worldwide membership covering Europe, Africa, the Americas, Australasia and the Far East. |
The Alpine Garden Society - Encouraging interest in...alpine & rock garden plants. Small plants & hardy perennials, many bulbs & ferns, hardy orchids & dwarf trees & shrubs. |
The Violet Society is an International Organisation of Violet and Viola enthusiasts assembled from all walks of life, united by our love for the Violet. |
The Hebe Society encourages the growing of hebes and other New Zealand plants, eg parahebes, celmisias, olearias and leptospermums, the society also assists in their conservation and improvement. |
The Royal Horticultural Society - From its foundation in 1804, the Royal Horticultural Society has grown to be the worlds leading horticultural organisation. We at the Society continue our commitment to gardeners through inspirational flower shows, gardens, and over 1,000 lectures and demonstrations making sure they are easy to access throughout the UK. |
The Royal National Rose Society, founded in 1876, is the world's leading specialist plant Society, with a flourishing world wide membership. As well as helping to fund the development and promotion of the rose, the society plays a vital role in conserving an important part of our plant heritage. |
The British Pteridological Society was founded in 1891 and today continues as a focus for fern enthusiasts. It provides a wide range of information about ferns through the medium of its publications and other literature. It also organises formal talks, informal discussions, field meetings, garden visits, plant exchanges, a spore exchange scheme and fern book sales. |
National Vegetable Society is the premier organisation in the United Kingdom for gardeners who are interested in growing vegetables. |
HDRA is Europe's largest organic membership organisation. It is dedicated to researching and promoting organic gardening, farming and food. |
The National Begonia Society, South Coast Area. Over 40 pages of information & pictures. Society News & Events. Tutorial. Gallery. |
The National Trust - For places of historic interest or natural beauty in England, Wales and Northern Island. |
NCCPG - Conserving the widest possible variety of plants is one of the most urgent needs facing conservationists today, but it is not easy to translate this need into a practical reality. The NCCPG has gone a long way towards solving this problem for many of our traditional garden plants, which have given until pleasure for generations, by setting up the National Plant Collections® Scheme. In the last twenty-one years this essentially practical conservation initiative has resulted in over 640 Collections being established. 50,000 different garden plants are now in secure hands for the enjoyment of future generations, safe from the vagaries of fashion, and hopefully, disease." |
Association of British Conifer Growers - Conifers and other evergreen shrubs are ideal for providing this structure because they come in many different colours, shapes and growing habits. All are hardy, easy to care for and long-lived. They are also interesting and versatile; from hedges that give us privacy and absorb the noise and pollution of local traffic to dwarf ground-cover plants that provide a perfect foil to flowering bedding plants and bulbs. |
The British Clematis Society (BCS) exists to promote the cultivation and preservation of clematis. In particular, we aim to encourage all gardeners to grow and enjoy clematis, with the emphasis being on "enjoy". The BCS has some 1,500 Members, ranging from experts to absolute beginners. Membership is open to all interested persons, in any country. |
Gardeners Club - Useful information. Regular content features. Benefits available to members |
expertgardener is an online community that puts you in touch with fellow gardening enthusiasts. We'd like it to be your first port of call whether you're looking for inspiration, needing advice, wanting to share tips, searching for the latest news, or just looking to have some fun. |
The Cottage Garden Society was founded in 1982 by a handful of gardeners in North Wales who hankered after old fashioned flowers grown in the traditional cottage garden style and felt that there must be others who shared their enthusiasm. They were inspired by memories of their parents' and grandparents' gardens, where lilac, honeysuckle and deliciously scented sweet peas gave way to roses and hollyhocks, and where runner beans, lettuces and gooseberry bushes mingled with the marigolds. It seemed to them that there must be many owners of small gardens who shared their aspirations to keep alive these gardening traditions. |
Metropolitan Essex Fuchsia Society consists of a group of enthusiasts who are interested in studying, growing, showing and having fun with their favourite plant. |
The RHS Lily Group is one of the specialist Plant Societies of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) which is based in London, UK. |
The Herb Society aims to increases the understanding, use and appreciation of herbs and the benefits to health. The Herb Society is an educational charity and its main work is the dissemination of information about herbs. As the independent voice for the consumer in the herbal world, it monitors changes in herbal legislation in the UK and EU especially. It has a growing global membership of people interested in herbs -- from lay enthusiasts to medical herbalists, professional growers, garden designers and writers. |
Flowers & Plants Association - The UK's promotional organisation for cut flowers and indoor plants since 1984. |
The Historic Gardens Foundation is a non profit-making organisation set up in 1995 to create links between everyone concerned with the preservation, restoration and management of historic parks and gardens. |
The National Auricula & Primula Society - Auriculas are members of the Genus Primula which is a large family of plants comprising over 425 species and many thousands of hybrids. The auricula first appeared in European gardens around the middle of the sixteenth century. The cultivated forms which we grow today have been developed over the last 350 years as `florists flowers' . |
The Old Lawnmower Club (OLC), the world's only club for people interested in vintage lawn mowers. The Club is based at Milton Keynes Museum , England and was formed by Keith Wootton, the Club's current Chairperson in 1990. |
The Horticultural Trades Association - Modern, leading edge trade association representing the UK Garden industry. It has, for over 100 years, promoted the profitable growth of its retail and grower members through a comprehensive range of business support initiatives. |
The Royal Forestry Society is based in the UK and caters for all who care about forestry, forests, woodlands and trees, their husbandry and their future. |
International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society- The IWGS is a non-profit association dedicated to the furtherance of all aspects of water gardening by the exchange of the latest and best information on water gardening throughout the world. |
DEFRA UK Organisation - Protecting and improving the rural, urban, marine and global environment. |
British Hedgehog Preservation Society - A UK Charity dedicated to helping & protecting Hedgehogs (BHPS). Helpline with advice on caring & encouraging Hedgehogs in the wild & garden. |
The RSPB - The RSPB works for a healthy environment rich in birds and wildlife; it depends on the support and generosity of others to make a difference. |
National Fox Welfare Society - NFWS continues to lead the way forward in fox welfare. |
British Dragonfly Society - There aim is to promote and encourage the study and conservation of dragonflies and their natural habitats, especially in the United Kingdom. |
The Scottish National Sweet Pea ,Rose & Carnation Society - The objects of the Society shall be to encourage the cultivation of Sweet Peas, Roses and Carnations and to promote the advancement of floral art by members of the Society, Education Authorities, and the general public. |
The International Black Plant Society - To further the knowledge of dark plants and their use in the garden. | |