Vegetables |
Lift & frost rhubarb crowns for forcing. |
When digging apply lime to the surface at 3oz per square yard ( especially if you grew brassicas the year before). |
Box up seed potatoes with the rose end uppermost. |
In mild areas sow broad beans. |
Fruit |
Spray trees with tar oil winter wash. |
If pruning is necessary cut out dead wood in all types of fruit trees. |
Remove big buds on blackcurrants. |
Check tree ties & plant supports for wear. |
Flowers |
Tidy borders & fork lightly between perennials. |
Plant lilies, antirrhinums etc. |
Violas in cold frames need good ventilation. |
Shrubs |
Spray roses and surrounding soil with winter wash. |
Mulch Azaleas, Rhododendrons etc. |
Check your frost protection on new or non hardy shrubs. |
Lawns |
Brush off dead leaves & twigs. |
Rake mossy & weedy areas. |
Service your mower. |
Deter children & pets from using the lawn when its wet. |
Greenhouse |
Sow leeks, onions, carrots, lettuce. |
Sow annuals for early flowering in pots. |
Clean & fumigate staging & pots. |
Take cuttings of late chrysanthemums. |
Houseplants |
Keep plants on the dry side and in the best possible light. |
Bring in winter jasmine , daphnia, American current etc. to flower inside. |
Do not rush bulbs into light wait until the leaves and flowers can be seen. | |
General |
Oil all moving machinery parts like hedge cutters, wheelbarrow & lawn mower. |
Vegetables |
Plant onion sets & shallots. |
Sow seeds for early carrots, parsley & parsnips. |
Plant out Autumn sown lettuce. |
Draw up earth to the hearts of young spring cabbage. |
Check potato sets for any signs of rotting. remove diseased tubers. |
Fruit |
Spray peaches against peach leaf curl with lime sulphur. |
Prune outdoor vines, blackcurrants, gooseberries and raspberries. Use your prunings as cuttings. |
Lime wash trunks of fruit trees to reduce lichen & moss. |
Check all tree stakes & ties. |
Flowers |
Plant anemone, ranunculis, paeonies, gladiolus, tiger lilies in groups in open borders. Plant primroses. |
Divide clumps of perennials that are too large. |
Prepare ground for sweet pea trench. |
Shrubs |
Plant evergreens such as ivies, laurels etc. |
Top dress older shrubs with compost or mulch. |
Cut back the flowers on winter flowering shrubs (if the flowers have died). |
Lawns |
Fork, brush & aerate frequently. Fill aerated holes with sharp sand. |
Prepare ground for new lawns by frequently raking to produce a fine tilth. |
Repair lawn edges. |
Dress the whole of the lawn with a sprinkling of sharp sand. |
Greenhouse |
Take cuttings of early chrysanthemums. |
Sow tomatoes in heated greenhouse. |
Keep seedlings up to the light to produce short healthy plants. |
Sow sweet peas. |
Ventilate greenhouse frequently. |
Houseplants |
Remove withered or dead leaves. |
As new growth appears increase water supply (don't over do it). |
Take cuttings of Regal Pelargoniums | |
General |
Dig in compost & Fertiliser. |
Repair & tidy paths, patios & decking. |
Weed borders. |
Sow under cloches: beetroot, broad beans, Brussels sprouts, early carrots, lettuce, radish, spring onions, spinach turnips, parsnips, early peas and salad leaves. |
Sow indoors: cauliflowers, celery, leeks, onions, summer cabbage and early tomatoes for the greenhouse. |
Plant out autumn sown onions. |
Hoe frequently for weed control & soil aeration. |
Clean & weed asparagus bed. |
Add manure or fertiliser in final soil preparation. |
Fruit |
Finish all pruning & planting. |
Feed & mulch young trees & cane fruits. |
Plant strawberry runners. |
If you have one, use your net for frost protection on early blooms on fruit trees. |
Flowers |
Plant container grown rockery , herbaceous plants, trees & shrubs. |
Begin sowing hardy annuals. |
Plant summer flowering bulbs like Gladiolus |
Use beer traps or sharp grit around plants for slug control. If you prefer you could use slug pellets, but keep away from pets, children etc. |
Trim winter heathers once they have finished flowering. |
Prune winter jasmine as soon as flowers fade. |
Its better to have a pond to fill your garden with a crack team of slug exterminators called frogs. Alternatively you could walk around the garden after dark with night vision goggles and a tub of salt. Just an idea. |
Shrubs |
Standard & Climbing roses can be planted out. |
Plant clematis late in the month. |
Prune ivies. |
Prune roses finally towards the end of the month and deciduous shrubs that flower on this years wood e.g. buddleia and caryopteris. |
Spray roses for black spot. |
Lawns |
Rake off moss & weeds. Spike if possible & apply a lawn fertiliser. |
Start cutting on the mowers highest setting. |
New lawns can be sown at the end of the month. |
Keep off when wet. |
Greenhouse |
Most seeds can be sown now in unheated greenhouses. |
Potted plants can be potted on if they need it. |
Start feeding your container & pot plants. |
Take cuttings of coleus & fuchsia. |
Houseplants |
Feed & water more regularly but don't over do it. |
If you haven't already done so... |
Plant onions & shallots. |
Oil all moving machinery parts like hedge cutters, wheelbarrow & lawn mower. |
Cut back the flowers on winter flowering shrubs (if the flowers have died). |
Sow runner & French beans & tomatoes. |
| |
General |
Net fruit trees & shrubs against bird damage. |
Vegetables |
Sow onions, beet & winter cabbage. |
Sow your first carrots. |
Start successional sowing of peas, beans, lettuce & radish. |
Finish planting of late potatoes and earth up earlies. |
At the end of the month plant cauliflowers. |
Fruit |
Ventilate strawberries under cloches & add straw manure. |
Spray peaches with water to help fruit set. |
Cut back newly planted raspberries. |
Keep an eye out for pests. |
You can use insecticides and fungicides now |
Flowers |
Sow hardy annuals in situ. |
Remove the dead heads of daffs & other spring flowers. |
Divide & replant perennials. |
Hoe weeds regularly. |
Plant out violas, paeonies, hollyhocks etc. |
Sow polyanthus & wallflowers for next spring. |
Shrubs |
Plant coniferous & evergreen trees & shrubs & bamboos. |
Prune flowered shrubs like forsythia & evergreens. |
Finish pruning roses. |
Trim winter flowering heathers. |
Stop side shoots on fuchsias to produce bushy plants. |
Lawns |
Mow lawns, weed & feed. |
Trim edges. |
Sow grass seed on bare patches after fine raking. |
Apply chemical weed killers or pull out weeds manually if you prefer. |
Greenhouse |
Sow seeds of outdoor tomatoes, melon & marrows. |
Remove flower heads of winter flowering plants like azaleas. |
Top dress pots, tubs & hanging baskets. |
Increase ventilation and if needed start to apply shading liquid. |
House plants |
Increase watering & light. |
Watch for pests & spray accordingly. |
Re-pot ferns & aspidistras (if needed). |
Top up pots & containers with fresh compost. | |